- Anger Management
- Analytical Therapy / Psychoanalysis
- Psychotherapy
- Depression
- general anxiety
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- psychosis
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
Jannati Clinics - Dr. Tariq Hijjawi
Psychiatrist and addiction Consultant
Irbid - Abu Rashid Street - in front of Abu Rashid Bakeries - Al-Hamadsheh Complex - above the Housing Bank - first floor.
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Jannati Clinics - Dr. Tariq Al-Hijjawi
Consultant in Psychiatry
Khilda and Um Summaq
Khalda - in front of Alia fish restaurants - above Biolab tests and Plime supermarket - Jreisat complex - 3rd floor
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I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
شكرا على كل الاهتمام وتعامل راقي جدا والله يعطيكم العافيه يا رب مع تمنياتي لكم بمزيد من التقدم وجزاكم الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم
I recommend the doctor