- Dentures
- Dental Bridges
- Bone Graft to Jaw
- Sinus Lift
- Gum Flap Operation
- Root Canal Treatment
- Tooth Fillings
- Teeth Whitening
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Tooth Extraction
- Dental Cleaning
- Periapical X Ray
- TMJ Surgery
- Esthetic Gum Surgeries
- Exposure and Bonding Impacted Teeth
- Gum Disease Prevention
- Gummy Smile Treatment
- Dental Implants
- Dental Crowns
- Dental Laminate Veneers
- Dental Cyst Operation
- Total Denture Over Implants
- Dental Inlay Onlay Restoration
- Invisalign
- Cosmetic Dentist Consultation
- Fissure Sealant For Children
- Nat Health
- Jordan french insurance company
- National Electric power
- Mednet
- Med service
- Jordan commercial Bank
- Arab potash company
- First international insurance company
- Arab orient insurance company
- Arab Company for White Cement
Doctor Tareq Al_daba'in
Dental and Oral Surgery
Bayader Wadi Al Sir
8th circle - opt. Ministry of Telecommunications - Building No. 8
Get Directions
10 JD
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