- Cholesterol Lipids Checkup
- Diabetes Test
- General Medical Exam
- Heart disease
- Gastroenterology Follow Up
- Chronic Disease Management
- Treatment of diseases of the digestive system
- Treatment of chronic diseases; diabetes and pressure
- Nat Health
- Jordan Bar Association
- Mednet
- Medexa
- Jordan Enginneers Association
- Arab orient insurance company
- Yarmouk University
- Omni Care
- Professional Insurance
- Health Pro
- Gulf Insurance Group
Doctor Mohammad Ghaleb Al-Jamal
Consultant of Internal Medicine
Irbid - King Abdullah II Street - near Al-Yousifi Circle - Al-Jamal Center - Al-Jamal Medical Clinics - First Floor / Waiting time in the clinic is 0 - 30 minutes.
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20 JD
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