- Angioplasty -PTCA
- eco
- Intracoronary Stenting
- Therapeutic Endoscopy
- Adult Cardiac Surgery
- Mitral Valve Repair
- Holter Monitor
- Open Heart Surgery
- (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR))
- Nat Health
- Jordan Bar Association
- Jordan central Bank
- Housing Bank
- National Electric power
- Mednet
- Med service
- Jordan commercial Bank
- Jordan dental Association
- Globe med
- Jordan Medical Association
- newton
- Arab potash company
- Arab Bank insurance
- AL Nisr AL Arabi insurance company
- Euro Arab insurance Group
- Jordan Enginneers Association
- First international insurance company
- Arab orient insurance company
- Samra Electric Power
- Islamic insurance company
- Islamic Sciences and Education University
- Omni Care
- Cigna
Doctor Yahya Shahwan
Cardiovascular and therapeutic catheterization specialist
Khilda and Um Summaq
Amman - Khalda - Saudi Hospital - Ground Floor - Heart Clinics
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15 JD
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دكتور محترم و يعطي المريض حقه
I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
I recommend the doctor
دكتور إنسان و رائع
I recommend the doctor